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Testimonials & Success Stories

Despite significant personal challenges, Roxanne received a job offer after submitting only three applications and interviewing with two companies. She said, “It feels great to be back to work. I feel more confident, it is happier at home, and I am making money again!” And that’s not the best part of her story. Shortly after returning to work less than a month after her intake into WCI’s WIN program, she was promoted to train new hires and given a raise. Then, about a month later, she was given another promotion, to Assistant Manager, and another raise! Roxanne has also been invited to be a full-time employee, which she is currently considering. She added, “It’s been great to advance so quickly!” Roxanne said that she appreciated how WCI assisted her in considering a wide variety of employment options along with assisting her in her application, interviewing and preparation processes.

Alexa Young, CA

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