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Testimonials & Success Stories

Despite significant personal challenges, Roxanne received a job offer after submitting only three applications and interviewing with two companies. She said, “It feels great to be back to work. I feel more confident, it is happier at home, and I am making money again!” And that’s not the best part of her story. Shortly after returning to work less than a month after her intake into WCI’s WIN program, she was promoted to train new hires and given a raise. Then, about a month later, she was given another promotion, to Assistant Manager, and another raise! Roxanne has also been invited to be a full-time employee, which she is currently considering. She added, “It’s been great to advance so quickly!” Roxanne said that she appreciated how WCI assisted her in considering a wide variety of employment options along with assisting her in her application, interviewing and preparation processes.

Alexa Young, CA

Contact Us

PO Box 813

1300 SW 22nd St

Willmar, MN 56201

Phone: 320-235-5310 x 0
Fax: 320-235-5376

PO Box 55

102 Main St S, Ste 204

Hutchinson, MN 55350

Phone: 320-234-7515

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